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*Health Foundation of La Porte

The Health Foundation of La Porte (HFL) is dedicated to our mission of empowering residents to live healthy and well within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas. HFL identifies health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” as defined by the World Health Organization. We recognize that wellness is the “active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence” and the six dimensions of wellness are emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual and spiritual as developed by the National Wellness Institute.

Many issues affect the health and wellness of the residents within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas. HFL is committed to supporting a diverse range of health and wellness programs and services to achieve the vision of La Porte becoming one of the top 10 healthiest communities in Indiana. We envision partnering with many types of community organizations through thoughtful grantmaking to invest in building a healthier community together.

Visit to apply. 

Types of Grants:

Responsive Grants:

  • Healthy La Porte
    • Grants of up to $25,000 that focus on:
      • Expanding successful existing programs that improve the health and wellness of the residents of the City of La Porte and surrounding areas.
      • Attracting new initiatives to attend health and wellness needs identified within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas.
      • Creating collaborations to better attend health and wellness needs identified within the City of La Porte and surrounding areas.
    • These grants are for programs that do not fall within one of our three Strategic Focus Areas.
Strategic Grants:

Grants of any amount that address specific board-approved major community needs with a defined impact on health and wellness.

  • Healthy Living: Grants in this area focus on:
    • Reducing obesity and weight-related chronic diseases.
    • Improving access to healthy foods and reducing food deserts.
    • Increasing community-wide focus on active living and fit lifestyles.
  • Healthy Children: Grants in this area focus on:
    • Decreasing the number of low birthweight births.
    • Decreasing the number of uninsured children.
    • Reducing childhood obesity.
    • Reducing teen births.
    • Improving education about tobacco and drug usage and their consequences.
    • Increasing safety in homes and schools.
    • Increasing access to mental healthcare for children.
    • Increasing the number of children and parents making informed decisions about good childhood health and its lifelong benefits.
  • Healthy Minds: Grants in this area focus on:
    • Increasing access to treatment for mental health issues and substance abuse.
    • Decreasing drug and tobacco usage.
Capacity Building Grants:
  • Healthy Partners
    • Grants that increase the impact of non-profit organizations in our area to strengthen and grow community organizations’ knowledge, infrastructure, management and governance.
Resource Type:
Resource Address:
140 East Shore Parkway
La Porte, IN 46350
*Health Foundation of La Porte